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乐高技术奥迪RS Q e-tron-乐高设计

2023-12-02 1616 0
达喀尔拉力赛以坚固,强大的ICE车辆改装而闻名。因此,当奥迪RS Q e-tron在阿布扎比沙漠挑战赛上赢得四场赛段胜利并首次参加沙漠拉力赛时,人们感到震惊。这套乐高技术重现了现实世界的赛车,直到四个轮子上的单个悬架。作为一个连接的集合,它还允许应用程序控制前进和后退的动量,以及转向。这套玩具共有914件,完成后高6英寸,长14.5英寸,宽7英寸。

The Dakar Rally is known for rugged, powerful conversions of ICE vehicles. So it was a shock when the Audi RS Q e-tron logged four stage wins and its first desert rally at the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge. This LEGO Technic set recreates the real-world racer, down to the individual suspension on each of the four wheels. A connected set, it also allows for app control of forwards and backward momentum, as well as steering. The set is comprised of 914 pieces and measures over 6 inches tall, 14.5 inches long, and seven inches wide when completed.
