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2023-12-10 1239 0
由于国际旅行在世界许多地方仍然具有挑战性,艺术和文化交流必须以新的方式超越国界。日本政府文化事务厅正在进行第二轮创新艺术项目“日本文化之门”的探索。此次展览将在东京羽田机场举行的两个展览中进行实物展示,在东京国际邮轮码头举行进一步展览,同时还将在“文化之门至日本”网站上进行在线展示。十位参展艺术家都被要求以新的数字形式诠释日本传统文化的不同方面。数字画卷的重新想象正如展览的名字所暗示的那样,这个展览是“新kakejiku”展览。在羽田机场展出的是对传统挂轴的数字诠释,在日本许多家庭仍然可以看到这种挂轴。自平安时代(794-1185年)以来,描绘季节变化的卷轴(春天樱花盛开,秋天落叶)一直是日本国内室内设计的重要组成部分。在这次数字重塑中,washi纸取代了一个长方形显示器,展示了5位数字艺术家不断进化的艺术品。由动漫三人组AC-bu创作的可爱的小猫Maneki-neko欢迎游客来到日本。在冉冉升起的太阳的映衬下,它坐在樱桃树下的扎布顿坐垫上;典型的日本风情由ac buo的游戏开发者Nyamyam&rsquo开发的广受国际赞誉的游戏Tengami发生在一个神奇的弹出式书籍世界里,在这里被改编成一个数字挂卷。游戏中的场景模拟了日本传统和纸的纹理,尽管是完全数字化的,但具有美丽的深度和手绘质量。Nor将传统绘画技术suibokuga作为其作品的灵感来源,命名为dyebirth_seeing as。在这段充满诗意、节奏缓慢的视频中,移动的墨水斑点呈现为花朵、岩石或云,然后混合成黑色的有机形状。dyebirth_seeing,由videoWhat创意标签也仍然是在海里也在我里面,由Nao YoshigaiFilmmaker,舞蹈家和编舞Nao Yoshigai创建一个视频的主题胜开泰音)在1774年发表的第一个西方解剖学的说明文本翻译在日本。作品的题目“海中之物也在我”,反映了艺术家生与死在海中相遇的感觉。

As international travel remains challenging in many parts of the world, art and cultural exchange must transcend borders in new ways. The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan is exploring just that in the second iteration of the innovative art project Culture Gate to Japan.The presentation will be physically showcased in two exhibitions at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport and a further exhibition at the capital’s International Cruise Terminal, and also online on the Culture Gate to Japan website. The ten participating artists have all been asked to interpret different aspects of traditional Japanese culture in new and digital formats.Digital reimaginings of the hanging scrollAs the name suggests, the exhibition ‘Neo-Kakejiku’ at Haneda Airport is a digital interpretation of the traditional hanging scroll still found within many homes in Japan. Scrolls depicting the changing seasons (cherry blossoms in spring and leaves in the autumn) have been an integral part of Japanese domestic interiors since the Heian period (794-1185). In this digital reimagining, washi paper has been substituted for an oblong monitor showcasing evolving artwork by five digital artists.The endearing Maneki-neko cat in a work by animation trio AC-bu welcomes visitors to Japan. Set against a rising sun, it sits on a zabuton cushion under a cherry tree – a quintessentially Japanese scene. Iruka-kun, Maneki-neko with cherry blossoms, by AC-buUK-based game developer Nyamyam’s internationally acclaimed game Tengami takes place inside a magical pop-up book world, and is adapted here to feature on a digital hanging scroll. The scenes from the game mimic the textures of traditional Japanese washi paper and take on a beautiful depth and hand-drawn quality, despite being fully digital.Creative label Nor uses the traditional painting technique suibokuga as inspiration for its piece, named dyebirth_seeing as. Moving blobs of ink appear as flowers, rocks or clouds before blending together into black organic shapes in a poetic and slow-paced video. dyebirth_seeing as, by creative label Nor Still from the videoWhat is in the sea is also in me, by Nao YoshigaiFilmmaker, dancer and choreographer Nao Yoshigai created a video with the motif of Kaitai Shinsho, published in 1774, the first illustrated text of Western anatomy translated in Japan. The work’s title, What is in the sea is also in me, references the artist’s feeling that life and death meet in the sea.
