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2023-12-18 1258 0
很早就把FF meta用在了梦幻流行乐队Saint etienne 1993年的专辑《So Tough》的封面上。圣艾蒂安是一个公平的、概念性的;受60年代流行音乐和80年代家庭音乐的影响;我猜这可能是他们最容易接近的专辑。而带有曲目名称的六十年代复古套筒则相当符合他们的审美特征。我已经很多年没有仔细看袖子了,当我看到现在看起来像是经典的90年代字体时,我感到非常惊讶。我把它想象成《单型》、《怪诞》、《浓缩》或《交替哥特式》之类的东西。顺便说一下,封面照片是主唱Sarah Cracknell的童年照片。(不太上相的器乐演奏家鲍勃·斯坦利(Bob Stanley)和皮特·威格斯(Pete Wiggs)被降级到封底。)专辑名称可能是兔耳朵,只有小写版本的泰坦尼克号/赫拉克勒斯,与长替补迪斯科更多信息]

">A really early use of FF meta on the cover of dreampop band Saint Etienne’s 1993 album So Tough.Saint Etienne are a fairly “conceptual” group influenced by sixties pop and eighties house music — at a guess this is probably their most accessible album — and the retro-sixties sleeve with the track names listed is quite characteristic of their aesthetic.I hadn’t looked at the sleeve closely for years and was quite surprised to see what now seems like a classic 90s font — I’d imagined it being something like Monotype Grotesque Condensed or Alternate Gothic. The cover photograph is a childhood photo of lead singer Sarah Cracknell, incidentally. (The less photogenic instrumentalists Bob Stanley and Pete Wiggs are relegated to the back cover.)The album title is probably in Bunny Ears, a lowercase-only version of Titanic/Hercules, with long alternates for ‘b f h k l’[More info on Discogs]
