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2023-12-20 1320 0
曾经被认为消失了40多年的电影史上最具标志性的模特之一终于被找到了。为《星球大战》中与死星的最后一战制作了四个x翼英雄模型——详细的、大尺寸的特写模型。红色一号的1:24比例模型,由加文·德雷斯驾驶,被认为已经丢失,直到它在好莱坞模型制造商格雷格·吉恩的收藏中重新出现。该模型的两个顶部s型箔背面的红色条纹可以识别出它的身份,它扮演了红色领袖、韦奇的红色2号和卢克·天行者的红色5号。该模型为四个安装在机翼上的大炮和控制机翼位置的伺服器提供照明,从闭合位置移动到x位置。据信,在1978年《新希望》上映后不久,卢卡斯电影公司从圣费尔南多谷搬到旧金山湾区时,这架x翼飞机失踪了。据信,只有一架x翼飞机的英雄模型幸存下来:电影中由比格斯·Darklighter驾驶的红色三号。该模型将于10月通过Heritage Auctions拍卖公司拍卖。

once thought lost for over 40 years, one of the most iconic models in cinema history has been found. Four X-wing hero models -- detailed, large-scale models for close-ups -- were made for the final battle against the Death Star in Star Wars. The 1:24 scale model for Red One, flown by Garvin Dreis, was presumed lost until it resurfaced in the collection of Hollywood model maker Greg Jein. Identified by the red stripes at the back of its two top s-foils, the model played the roles of Red Leader, Wedge's Red Two, and Luke Skywalker's Red Five. The model has lights for its four wing-mounted cannons and servos that control the position of the wings, moving from closed to the x position. Believed lost during Lucasfilm's move from the San Fernando Valley to the San Francisco Bay Area not long after the release of A New Hope in 1978, it is believed that only one other X-wing hero model is known to have survived: Red Three, flown by Biggs Darklighter in the film. The model goes to auction via Heritage Auctions in October.