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宾尼法利纳B95 Barchetta EV——车身设计

2023-12-21 996 0
宾尼法利纳正在展示它是多么认真的定制电动车与B95巴切塔揭幕。这款电动超级跑车由一个120千瓦时的t形锂离子电池组提供动力,每个轮子都有一个电机,总功率为1877马力,这一设计借鉴了巴蒂斯塔超级GT。宾尼法利纳承诺从0到60的时间不到2秒,最高时速为186英里/小时。开放式驾驶舱设有两个独立可调的挡风玻璃,内部与车身无缝融合。宾尼法利纳将生产10辆B95 barchetta,为每位客户提供定制头盔等一系列定制选项。

Pininfarina is showing how serious it is about bespoke EVs with the unveiling of the B95 Barchetta. The electric hypercar is powered by a T-shaped 120kWh lithium-ion battery pack feeding a motor at each wheel, making a total of 1,877 horsepower, an arrangement borrowed from the Battista hyper GT. Pininfarina promises a 0-60 time of less than two seconds, with a top speed of 186 MPH. The open cockpit features two independently-adjustable windscreens with an interior that merges seamlessly with the bodywork. 10 B95 Barchettas will be made, with Pininfarina offering a host of customization options like bespoke helmets for each customer. Deliveries are expected to start in 2025.