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2023-12-19 1319 0
在禁酒令时期,威士忌仍被用于医药目的。因此,美国政府向六家酿酒厂颁发了装瓶威士忌的许可证;其中之一是乔治·t·斯塔格酿酒厂,现在被称为布法罗Trace。他们的禁酒系列向禁酒期间酿酒厂生产的五个久违的品牌致敬。其中包括132.4度的老斯塔格(Old Stagg)威士忌,未经切和过滤的威士忌,107度的黑麦金婚(Golden Wedding), 100度的瓶装保税威士忌Three Feathers, 90度的高黑麦波旁威士忌核桃山(Walnut Hill),以及110度的小麦波旁威士忌乔治·t·斯塔格酒厂Spiritus Frumenti。这个系列装在一个定制的木制陈列柜里,包括一瓶375毫升的瓶子,每个瓶子都有禁酒令时代的标签。这款产品数量有限,将于10月份发货至全国各地的零售商、酒吧和餐馆。

During the Prohibition Era, whiskey was still used for medicinal purposes. So the US government granted licenses to six distilleries to bottle whiskey; one of them was the George T. Stagg Distillery, now known as Buffalo Trace. Their Prohibition Collection pays tribute to five long-lost brands produced at the distillery during Prohibition. Those include Old Stagg a 132.4 barrel-proof uncut and unfiltered whiskey, Golden Wedding, a 107-proof rye, Three Feathers, a 100-proof, bottled-in-bond offering, Walnut Hill, a 90-proof high-rye bourbon, and George T. Stagg Distillery Spiritus Frumenti, a 110-proof wheated bourbon. The collection arrives in a custom wooden display case and includes one period-correct 375ml bottle of each outfitted with Prohibition Era-inspired labels. Available in limited quantities, it ships to select retailers, bars, and restaurants nationwide in October.