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卧室设计理念- 8种方法创建一个最终的床围绕存储

2023-12-29 1418 0
卧室设计理念–无论大小家庭,储物空间都是很难获得的。一个似乎总是有很多潜在储存空间的地方是床头周围的区域。虽然床头板和艺术品可以很漂亮,但嵌入式橱柜提供了额外的存储空间,将原本空着的墙壁变成了一个可以容纳任何东西的地方,从额外的床单、书籍、玩具或冬季夹克。这里有8个小贴士,让你的床周围有很多储物空间。隐藏照明把你的灯直接放在储物柜里可以照亮你的床和储物柜,为你提供完美的阅读光线,并让你在笨重的灯具本来应该放的地方有更多的自由来储存东西。室内设计:Elenberg Fraser。摄影:Peter clarke。用艺术来个性化你的空间用橱柜覆盖你的墙壁并不意味着你失去了墙上有艺术的机会。在橱柜之间的一个架子创造了一个完美的地方来支撑一些你最喜欢的艺术作品,并为你的空间增加一些个性。查看更多这个公寓的照片,这里。Tatiana nicole设计。在你的床头柜周围都装上了橱柜,为什么不也装上嵌入式床头柜呢?这样,当你睡觉或休息时,你就可以把你的书、闹钟、电话和其他任何你需要的东西塞在一边,而不是放在你身边。室内设计:Studio garneau。使用开置和闭置的架子包括开置和闭置的抽屉和橱柜的组合,可以让你保持一些东西容易接近和展示,同时让其他东西远离视线和道路。室内设计:Evolution Design。摄影:Chris humphreys储存物品如果你的空间真的很紧,可以考虑使用折叠床。当它们不被使用时,你甚至不知道它们的存在。当它们被使用时,它们仍然被各种各样的存储选项包围着,这使得你可以很容易地将所有的东西组织起来,即使是在这么小的空间里。室内设计由LifeEdited公司设计。定义睡觉的地方在你的床周围设置一个内置的储物空间会让你的床感觉就像它消失在了所有的橱柜中。用大胆的颜色或不同于其他橱柜的材料来定义睡眠空间,将你的床与储物柜区分开来,并为你的房间增加颜色和纹理。室内设计:Mhouse Inc。摄影:Stephani buchman用内置床头板来软化你的内置橱柜。当你在床上阅读时,这种织物使你有一个柔软的地方可以靠在上面,并与橱柜的实线形成对比。室内设计:Keir townsend。把整面墙都用上如果你打算在床四周安装嵌入式橱柜,那就相当于把整面墙都用上了。你将获得最大的存储空间,这将有助于创建一个完整的、对称的外观。由COCOON9设计

Bedroom Design Ideas – 8 Ways To Create The Ultimate Bed Surround With StorageOctober 18, 2016In homes both large and small, storage space can be hard to come by. One space that always seems to have a lot of potential storage opportunity is the area surrounding the head of the bed. While headboards and artwork can be pretty, built-in cabinetry provides additional storage and turns an otherwise empty wall into one that can hold anything from extra linens to books to toys or winter jackets.Here are 8 tips for creating the ultimate bed surround with lots of storage space.1. Hide The LightingBuilding your lighting right into the storage brightens up your bed and storage areas, provides you with the perfect reading light, and gives you more freedom to store things in the places where bulky light fixtures would have gone.Interior design by Elenberg Fraser. Photography by Peter Clarke.2. Personalize Your Space With ArtJust because you cover your wall with cabinets doesn’t mean you have lose out on having art on you walls. A shelf in between cabinets creates the perfect spot to prop up some of your favorite art pieces and adds some personality to your space.See more photos of this apartment, here. Designed by Tatiana Nicol.3. Build In Your NightstandsWith cabinets built around your entire bed already, why not include built-in nightstands as well. That way you’ll be able to keep your books, clock, phone, and whatever else you need tucked out of the way but right next to you while you sleep or lounge.Interior design by Studio Garneau.4. Use Open and Closed ShelvingIncluding a combination of both open shelving and closed off drawers and cabinets allows you to keep some things easily accessible and on display, while keeping other things out sight and out of the way.Interior designby Evolution Design. Photography by Chris Humphreys.5. Store Your BedIf you’re really tight on space consider using a murphy bed. When they’re not being used you can’t even tell they’re there and when they are being used they’re still surrounded by storage options that make it easy to keep all of your things organized, even in the tiny space.Interior designby LifeEdited Inc.6. Define The Sleeping AreaSurrounding your bed with built-in storage can make your bed feel like it’s lost in all of the cabinetry. Defining the sleeping space with a bold color or a different material than what’s been used on the rest cabinets sets your bed apart from the storage and adds color and texture to your room.Interior design by Mhouse Inc. Photography by Stephani Buchman.7. Add AHeadboardSoften up your built in cabinets with a built in headboard. The fabric makes a soft place to lean up against as you read in bed and creates a contrast against the solid lines of the cabinetry.Interior designby Keir Townsend.8. Use The Entire WallIf you’re going to install built-in cabinets around your bed you might as well do the whole wall. You’ll get maximum storage space and it’ll help create a finished and symmetrical look.Designed by COCOON9
