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2024-01-06 1379 0
意大利和英格兰最好的一起来与迪阿维尔宾利杜卡迪。这款限量版摩托车的灵感来自宾利的巴图尔,数量为500辆和50辆,甚至是更独家的宾利Mulliner版本。Mulliner版允许买家改变颜色,从标准版的金属圣甲虫绿,可定制的鞍座,制动卡钳,和碳纤维面板-匹配买家目前的宾利或选择一个独特的方案。车身修改与进气道匹配的巴图尔的格栅和挡泥板与三个肋骨参考巴图尔的引擎盖。一个缝制的宾利标志装饰着马鞍。机械上,Diavel保持不变,与166马力1,158cc V4延续。买家将收到一个个性化的木制运输板条箱和真品证书。

The best of Italy and England come together with the Diavel for Bentley by Ducati. The limited-edition motorcycle is inspired by Bentley's Batur, with a number run of 500 and 50 even more exclusive Bentley Mulliner editions. The Mulliner edition allows buyers to change colors from the metallic Scarab Green of the standard Bentley edition, with customization available on the saddle, brake calipers, and carbon fiber panels — matching the buyer's current Bentley or choosing a unique scheme. The bodywork is revised with air intakes matching the Batur's grille and a fender with three ribs referencing the Batur's hood. A stitched Bentley logo adorns the saddle. Mechanically, the Diavel remains unchanged, with the 166 horsepower 1,158cc V4 carrying over. Buyers will receive the Diavel in a personalized wooden shipping crate and a certificate of authenticity.
