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2024-01-25 1437 0
坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)于2021年购买了这座马里布海滩别墅,并开始对其进行翻新,但现在正在与未完成的项目分道扬镳。这座由安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando)设计的四层建筑于2013年建成,使用了近1200吨材料,采用了建筑师标志性的“光滑如丝”的混凝土。它还拥有200吨钢筋和12个插进沙子60英尺的塔架。这座占地4000平方英尺的住宅的每个房间都可以欣赏到太平洋的景色,而外部甲板和露台则增加了1500平方英尺的户外生活空间。不幸的是,在修复过程中,所有的室内装饰都被拆除了,包括门窗、管道、电气和暖通空调设备,需要更换。

Kanye West purchased this Malibu beach house in 2021 and began gutting the property for renovation, but is now parting ways with the unfinished project. Built in 2013 and designed by Tadao Ando, the four-story structure features the architect's signature "smooth-as-silk" concrete, using nearly 1,200 tons of the material. It also features 200 tons of steel reinforcement and 12 pylons driven 60 feet into the sand. Views of the Pacific are available in every room of the 4,000-square-foot home, while exterior decks and terraces add 1,500 square feet of outdoor living space. Unfortunately, all the interior finishes were removed during the restoration process, including windows and doors, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC units, and will need to be replaced.