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2024-01-31 2294 0
这里有一个让我们着迷的项目,主要是因为它的排版和背景。《宫殿笔记》出版背后的创意是雷纳塔·莫提卡(Renata Motyka)。现在,它是华沙美术学院的驻地。 首先,我们将回顾一下查普斯基宫的非典型历史,它可以追溯到17世纪。这座建筑经过多次重建,代表了不同的建筑风格。在第二次世界大战中被烧毁,然后根据Stanisław Brukalski的项目重建。brukalski的概念旨在恢复建筑从18世纪中期的外观。 现在,沉浸在宫殿的历史中,renata的作品收集了上述所有信息。她创作了一本印刷出版物,灵感来自Stanisław brukalski的素描和建筑设计。《宫殿笔记》是一个编辑设计,包括历史时间表、查普斯基宫的档案照片、重印和数字化的草图。它也有空白的地方供讲师用作笔记本。 该项目简洁的建筑概念与实际建筑的浅色色调相似。Renata’的衬线字体选择直接传达了宫殿背后的悠久历史。 

Back to editorial projects, here’s one we were enchanted by mainly for its typography and its background. The creative mind behind Notes from Palace’s publication is Renata Motyka. The motif? Celebrate the Czapski Palace’s reconstruction and renovation. Now, it’s Warsaw’s residence of the Academy of Fine Arts. First, we will take a step back to the Czapski Palace’s atypical history, which dates back to the 17th century. The building was rebuilt many times and represented different architectural styles. Burned down in the Second World War and then rebuilt according to Stanisław Brukalski’s project. Brukalski’s concept aimed to restore the construction’s appearance from the mid-eighteen century. Now, immersed in the Palace’s history, Renata’s work gathers all the information stated above. She creates a printed publication inspired by Stanisław Brukalski’s sketch and building design. Notes from Palace is an editorial design that includes a historical timetable, archival photographs from the Czapski Palace, reprinted and digitized sketches. It also has blank spaces for the lecturer to use as a notebook. The project’s clean, architectural concept has a color palette similar to the actual building’s lighter tone. And Renata’s serif typography choice directly communicates there’s a long history behind the Palace. Photography: Marcin Łabuz
