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2024-02-17 1104 0
创意包装的特点是不同颜色的绳子包装,看起来像一个异想天开的人物的胡子。当绳子被放入盒子中时,它就会呈现出胡须的样子。这为产品增添了有趣和独特的元素。可根据客户的喜好定制绳的颜色。绳包增加了产品的乐趣。由Isabella de Felice和Annachiara Barindelli为“IF bag ”在意大利米兰的一家商店。

Creative packaging features ropes of different colors packaged to look like the beard of a whimsical character.When the rope is placed inside the box, it takes on the appearance of a beard. This adds a playful and unique element to the product.It is possible to customize the color of the rope to match the customer’s preferences. Rope Pack adds to the enjoyment to the product.Rope beard packaging designed by Isabella de Felice and Annachiara Barindelli for the “IF Bags” shop in Milan, Italy.Also check out: Creative and Innovative Packaging
