光线充足的生活空间,宽敞的玻璃和自然景观,这个杰克·斯特林的家检查了所有本世纪中叶的盒子。这栋四四方方的住宅建于1970年,位于休斯顿富裕的派尼角村(Piney Point Village)附近。它的玻璃立面嵌套在一片树木繁茂的地块上,占地5481平方英尺(约合481平方米)。虽然室内在2018年进行了翻新,但住宅保留了许多时期的细节,包括大天窗下方的对话坑,马达加斯加黄花木镶板墙壁,水磨石地板和多个中庭,而现代设施,如带Gaggenau电器的大理石厨房,大型定制衣柜,带人字形地板和阿米巴浴缸的主浴室提供了欢迎的更新。虽然所有的生活空间都与周围的自然联系在一起,但最令人身临其境的景观是在住宅的三层中庭。

With light-filled living spaces, expansive glazing, and views of nature, this Jack Stehling home checks all the mid-century boxes. The boxy dwelling was built in 1970 in Houston's affluent Piney Point Village neighborhood. Its glass facade is nested on a wooded plot and spans 5,481 square feet of living space. While the interior was renovated in 2018, the home maintains much of its period details, including a co
nversation pit below a large skylight, Madagascan Dalbergia rosewood paneled walls, terrazzo floors, and multiple atriums, while modern amenities, like the marble kitchen with Gaggenau appliances, massive bespoke closet, and primary bath with herringbone floors and amoeba tub offer welcome updates. Although all the living spaces co
nnect with the surrounding nature, the most immersive views are in the home's three-story atrium.