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Görtz 17鞋带盒----创意设计

2024-02-22 1732 0
可作为购物袋使用的多功能鞋盒,其手柄设计可拆卸并用作额外的鞋带。环境友好的包装形式的可回收鞋盒鞋带处理消除了需要一个塑料袋。有5种不同的颜色可供选择,每一种颜色都与Görtz 17’s Converse Collection完美匹配。

Multifunctional shoe box that can be used as a shopping bag features handles designed to be removed and used as extra shoelaces.Environmentally friendly packaging in the form of recyclable shoe box with shoelace handles eliminates the need for a plastic bag.There are 5 different colors to choose from and each one matches perfectly with Görtz 17’s Converse Collection.Also check out: Nike Box for Flexible Shoes
