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2024-06-05 1885 0
随着V12发动机走向灭绝,必须有一些东西取代兰博基尼标志性动力装置的崇高声音。在一个先发制人的举动,兰博基尼是与Sonus faber合作,提供他们的发烧友级的声音作为一个选项在Revuelto。Sonus faber专门为Revuelto的声学环境设计了该系统,配备了一个750瓦的D类放大器,为7个扬声器供电。环绕系统使用一个中央通道扬声器在仪表板和中低音和高音在每个门,所有利用强大的DSP提供一个音频体验,以竞争Revuelto。

With the V12 heading towards extinction, something must replace the sublime sounds of Lamborghini's trademark powerplant. In a preemptive move, Lamborghini is partnering with Sonus faber to offer their audiophile-grade sound as an option in the Revuelto. Sonus faber engineered the system specifically for the acoustic environment of the Revuelto, with a 750-watt Class D amplifier powering seven speakers. The surround system uses a center channel speaker in the dash and a midwoofer and tweeter in each door, all utilizing powerful DSP to deliver an audio experience to rival the Revuelto.