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立即备案 立即备案
  • 文华权

  • 领域:广东 深圳市|室内设计师建筑设计师
  • 电话:15875553511



我们将背景墙和室内一面墙的墙纸拆除,刷上公司的LOGO颜色沉稳而醒目,精心挑选的金色展示台和地球仪,加强这家投资公司的企业形象和全球化发展方向。.我们根据空间要求,更改了部分隔断空间.将办公室的地毯更换,用四种颜色的拼色,让办公室焕然一新,也增添了艺术气息. 从预算中规划一部分,用于软装的搭配,精心挑选的小茶几,抱枕,艺术品,灯具等使严肃的办公空间活泼起来.会议桌上方的灯盘太过机械呆板,我们用了橘色的条形灯,菱形拼装,整个会议空间温暖明亮起来.




Global link Rich Company, located in Diwang Building, plans to change the pattern and style of the office because of business changes and customer changes.The director of the company, Miss Lin, a Taiwanese, told the designers to want a brand new style of office. As a financial company, the clients have many foreigners who wanted the office to be lively and free to create a suitable corporate image on a limited budget.For designers, with limited funds to create a new space, is a very sense of achievement challenge we will background wall and indoor wall wallpaper demolition, brush on the company's LOGO color composed and eye-catching, carefully selected gold display platform and globe, strengthen the investment company's corporate image and the development direction of globalization.. 


We have changed part of the partition space according to the space requirements. Replace the office carpet, with four colors, let the office look new, but also add an artistic atmosphere. Planning from a part of the budget, used for the collocation of soft decoration, carefully selected small tea table, pillow, art, lamps and lanterns to make the serious office space lively up. The light plate above the conference table was too mechanical. We used orange strip lights, and the diamond shapes were assembled, and the whole conference space became warm and bright. 


The original reception area, we transformed into a bar area, the glass partition behind the artistic sense is full, we bought the bar, bar chair, wine cabinet, bird cage decoration rack, in the ceiling also from the glass window hanging a row of bird art, seems to be singing for the coming guests...

