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  • 领域:广东 深圳市|室内设计师建筑设计师
  • 电话:15875553511












 “倚岩百丈峙雄关,西域咽喉在此间”。企业办公总部大堂两层高的灰色的石材墙面彰显空间的巍峨感,巨幅的壁画,是黄河之水天上来的意念,服务台如杨帆出行的船只,百舸竞风流. 整个空间气势宏大雄浑。多功能厅天花流畅的造型,使沉稳质朴的空间有了一份灵动之意.企业办公总部会议室设计以纵横的韵律,虚实的对比,塑造高效,进取,开放的形象。企业办公总部贵宾室设计静与动,刚与柔,从形态到气质的完美交融,才孕育出了那些似水般澄澈明净,如山那刚毅不屈的灵魂。接待室的设计立体沟缝与情境光源谱出的虚实变化,现代前卫的视觉张力,虚实协调,质朴的材料配合简洁的线条,呈现宏观安稳之感,这也是项目所试图达到的平衡之美.大会议室背景墙格栅的群山若隐若现, 空间流动的姿态,有效的软化了相对硬朗的空间对接,同时又不乏些许现代硬朗、干练、生动的气息.




The two-storey gray stone wall in the lobby of the enterprise office headquarters highlights the grandeur of the space. The huge murals are the idea of the Yellow River water from the sky, and the service desk is like the boat of Yang Fan, which is very romantic. The whole space is grand and powerful.Multifunction hall smallpox smooth modelling, make composed and simple space had a clever meaning. 

The conference room of the enterprise office headquarters is designed to create an efficient, enterprising and open image with a vertical and horizontal rhythm and virtual contrast.Enterprise office headquarters VIP room design is quiet and moving, rigid and soft, from the form to the temperament of the perfect blend, just gave birth to those as clear and clear like water, like the mountain that resolute and unyielding soul.The design of the reception room and the three-dimensional groove seam and situational light source spectrum changes, modern avant-garde visual tension, coordination between virtual and real, simple materials with simple lines, presenting a sense of macro stability, which is also the beauty of balance that the project tries to achieve. 

The mountains of the background wall and grille of the big conference room are looming, and the posture of space flow has effectively softened the relatively tough space docking, while there is no lack of some modern tough, capable and vivid atmosphere. The architectural design entrance of the building is narrow and narrow, re-planned by the designer, the closed walls and beams at the door are removed, eliminating the cramped and narrow sense of the hall, and the redesigned porch is like a white butterfly, with open arms. The landscape being redesigned and designed by the designer has both a regular sense of array, but also clever changes, and the landscape built by local plants, and after the transformation of the enterprise office headquarters building co-prosperity, symbiosis, harmonious and unified
